
if i can heal myself, why get coaching?


why Coaching

It may not sound like a great marketing scheme —- telling people they're okay. But I'm tired of being sold things by being made to feel scared or inadequate. So I'm going to be frank with you: You don't need me.

You are a beautiful human. You are okay just the way you are, BUT…

If you are:

  • Sick and tired (literally) of fueling your accomplishments through shame, fear, and self recrimination.

  • Yearning for shifts — to (re)claim joy and energy.

  • In the midst of a hard/disorienting transition.

  • Itching to start or finish that thrilling/scary project, but feeling stuck, spinning your wheels.

  • Frustrated with your lack of progress, embarrassed, self-conscious, full to the brim with “shoulds.”

  • Unsatisfied, but tempted to settle — thinking “Oh well, I guess this is it…?” as you go about a routine you hate.

  • Groping around in the murk for clarity and direction, while utterly overwhelmed and exhausted and hounded by your to-do list, obligations and even more “should’s” every time you try to rest.

And dream of:

  • Developing self-compassionate and sustainable ways to work toward your Goals.

  • Identifying a life direction that fits YOU and moving toward it.

  • Getting un-stuck.

  • Clarifying your values.

  • Prioritizing what lights you up, to reclaim joy and energy.

  • Connecting to where you are and discover what changes you want to move toward (rather than what you’re running from).

  • Getting moving

I’d love to join/support/celebrate your journey.

First, though, I hope you will take a moment and congratulate yourself. “Why on earth would I do that?!” you say? Because it takes bravery to admit that things aren’t right. It’s vulnerable to let yourself want change. Real change. So I hope you will stand up right now and do a celebratory dance for letting yourself think and feel these things.*

And then (and this is a tricky one), let yourself believe, for just a moment that you are okay exactly as you are.

You don’t need me. But I might be able to help.

*This is how I begin every coaching relationship - rooting into the fact that you are okay. And do you know what’s magical about this? Connecting to your okay-ness lets you trust yourself. It gives you permission to turn down the volume on the (hundreds of?) thousands of voices, telling you what you should want, do value, look like, sound like, eat, work toward, and on and on and on. It gives you space to get in touch with what you need, what you want out of your life. What changes you want to make and what is just fine, exactly as it is.

You are okay, exactly as you are. it is my sincere hope that by reading this you have absorbed that fact on a cellular level and are now good to go. If, however, all of this resonates, but you’re not sure how to put it into practice, I would love to chat and see if we would be a good match to work together.