


As a coach, I am dedicated to connecting clients to their bodily intelligence and self-compassion, as a way to awaken organic growth and change. I earned my masters in acting, worked as a professional actor, founded and ran a theater company, and juggled many a side hustle in NYC before being drawn to coaching.

In the coaching (zoom) room, I rely on the empathy, deep listening, imagination, and playfulness I have cultivated as an actor. My experience as a spoken voice teacher gives me a unique ability to help clients tune-in to their bodily intuition and wisdom — unlocking possibilities, perspectives, and solutions not previously visible to them. Motherhood crystallized the importance of self-compassion for me, and I have become a spokeswoman for the freedom that can be gained through the journey of healing from perfectionism.

It is my privilege and joy to offer my clients the space to feel, breath, and voice their truth. To get in touch with where they are (the beautiful and the gritty), what’s important, what they want to move toward, and then helping them head that way.

As your coach I believe :

  • You are whole.

  • You have all the tools you need.

  • In your ability to heal, forgive, change and grow.

  • In play and metaphor and the enormous intelligence our bodies possess.

  • In the wisdom and clarity that can come from sitting in our discomfort.

  • In silence.

as your coach I promise to:

  • Stand up for you, to you.

  • Ask those tough questions that make you wish you’d never met me, but also very glad you did.

  • Bring mama bear love to our work - never shaming, but always fierce.

  • Expect your full buy-in.